This weight loss business can be tricky. People who go on diets or take weight loss pills often end up heavier. How so? Because these are just short term solutions. A diet pill works by reducing food cravings but it's only good while you take it and the moment you stop, you shift back to your old eating habits and you start packing in the pounds all over again.
Only natural weight loss can become permanent, not only is it safe but you'll lose your food cravings without having to take weight loss pills. The "failure rate" of weight loss systems is over 98% and the reason for this is because most of them are not natural.
Weight loss diets cut down on calories which puts the body in starvation mode. When this happens, the body adjusts by slowing down the metabolism in an attempt to hang on to the nourishment provided for as long as it can, resulting in less calories burned. When you go off the diet and resume eating normally, your now sluggish metabolism will not be able to efficiently process it and you end up gaining more weight than you lost.
So what does this tell us? If you want permanent weight loss, dieting is not an option.
Weight Loss Pills
Majority of diet pills are appetite suppressants which enable users to curb their hunger and food cravings. This significantly cuts down the amount of food consumed thus resulting in weight loss. By taking an appetite suppressant, in essence what you are doing is drastically starving yourself thus, just like dieting, your metabolic rate shifts to low gear. When you stop taking your diet pills, you will begin to balloon to your old pre-diet form or even worse.
Food Supplements
A food supplement can boost a natural weight loss program provided it can be absorbed by your body and is safe and healthy. The extra nutrition it provides is something your body needs as it goes through the weight loss process. It also takes away food cravings without depriving your body of nutrients thereby keeping your metabolism at its normal level and keeping you from gaining back all the weight you have lost.
There is a downside however. Unfortunately, our bodies do not absorb most food supplements very well. Most people for instance, are only able to absorb 4-5% of vitamin and mineral supplements. Considering the price of these products, it's a total waste of money. In addition, if you are not absorbing the supplement, then it would not help you control your appetite, so what's the point in taking it?
There are weight loss programs that only recommend natural food supplements which can be fully absorbed by the body. Dieters who follow such programs are able to experience the full benefits that these supplements have to offer. Aside from speeding up and enhancing their weight loss, users report feeling energized and less inclined to eat junk food.
Exercise for Natural Weight Loss
A natural weight loss program is not complete without an exercise component. The fact is, permanent weight loss can only be achieved through a program that includes a regular workout regimen. There is a problem though. While people do engage in exercise to burn fat, 95% of weight loss exercises actually burn sugar and not fat.
In programs such as those mentioned above, it may come as a surprise to many that exercises such as jogging, swimming, playing a sport, and lifting weights do not get rid of excess fat. Most of these exercises are tough and people struggle to do them only to experience insignificant results. Doing them long enough may pay off eventually, however the results would only be minimal. Thus, it comes as no surprise that 99% of people who get started on a regular exercise regimen give up prematurely, that is, even before they see any realistic results.
In the natural weight loss programs mentioned above, the only recommended exercise is walking. It is important to point out however, that normal walking is not very effective. If it is to be a fat burning workout, there are guidelines you will have to follow.
There is a natural weight loss program that teaches dieters how to have a walking workout that effectively burns fat and rebuilds the metabolism. Walking is an essential part of a good natural weight loss program because it helps the body effectively burn fat throughout the day.
Complete Natural Weight Loss
As we have seen, the only way to achieve permanent weight loss is through a complete and natural weight loss system that is safe, does not require the use of appetite suppressing diet pills, and includes a good walking program. And the best thing about it is that you don't even have to be a fitness aficionado to achieve your weight loss goal.
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