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Exercise And Weight Loss For Women Part 3

Importance of Strength Training

Nowadays, the importance of strength training is not confined to bodybuilder, athletes and fitness buffs. Average women, too, have seen the benefits of engaging in strength training for a variety of purposes, most notable of them for the maintenance of their ideal weights as well as to maintain a toned appearance. So, who says only bodybuilders have the right to sport muscles?

Benefits for Women

Strength training produces stronger ligaments and tendons, both of which support the body's joints. Thus, you can decrease the likelihood of injuries brought by normal physical activities as well as by exercises in all its forms. Also, strength training dramatically increases bone density, hence, lessening the risks for bone diseases like osteoporosis. Ultimately, you can enjoy a better quality of life with strength training because you are more able to engage in physical activities that, in turn, enhances your self-confidence.

For women trying to lose weight and lessen body fat, the importance of strength training cannot be overemphasized. When it is done consistently and sufficiently, strength training leads to faster weight loss while increasing muscle size. Don't worry about bulking up as most women will not gain muscle mass as fast as men do due to genetics and physiology.

Optimum Technique

As early as possible, you have to start strength training in order to enjoy optimum benefits. You need not engage in complex exercises as even your own bodyweight plus a few simple equipments like dumbbells can be used. You also need not exert more time than you can pour into training as even 20-30 minutes each session is sufficient.

Research has shown that the optimum levels for strength training in women is at 1-3 sets per muscle group, which depends on your current physical condition and fitness goals. Also, the lower and upper body will need a different set of repetitions, hence 8-12 reps for the upper body and 12-15 reps for the lower body.

You can start with light cardio exercises for 5-10 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of strength training using your bodyweight and/or gym equipment, and then end with cool down exercises for 5-10 minutes. You must cool down the same way you warmed up. Also, it is very important to take at least a day of rest between strength training sessions. You want to provide your muscles time to recover from its injuries sustained during training, even if it is of the relatively low-impact, low-intensity type.

If you are engaging in strength training for weight loss, you must combine it with a sensible diet and regular cardio workouts. And it helps to consult a fitness professional to help you map out your weight loss plan.

Problem Areas

Unfortunately, some women may not be able to benefit from strength training. Keep in mind that it involves lifting weights of various kinds such that women with pre-existing medical conditions that preclude weightlifting of any kind are highly advised to avoid strength training. As such, it is very important to consult your doctor before embarking on any kind of fitness program for whatever purpose.

In conclusion, the importance of strength training for women in daily life can only be realized with the proper mindset and the proper guidance.
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