We all dream of losing weight fast. Of being able to look fantastic for a weekend break, wedding or family party in a couple of months. However, such an outlook can often make your dieting regime collaspe before it has even had a chance to work.
Why do diets collapse?
There are many different reasons why your diet may not work, but the main ones include:
Unhealthy Dietary Plans
Fad diets (often recognised as Äėcelebrity dietary plans') are well known for eliminating whole nutrition groups in a bid to help you excess lbs. However, such meals are impossible to maintain for months on end. Not only are they unhealthy, but they are hard to get used to. After all, could you enjoy eating only cabbage or proteins, day in day out for months at a time? No.
We have all got fad meals that we can't abstain from. Chocolate bars, crisps, biscuits, burgers. Now whilst allowing yourself the occasional chocolate bar is not a crime. Turn this monthly treat into daily treat and you will soon notice that you have given in to extra cravings as well which will lead to weight gain, not weight loss.
Skipping Meals
It may seem logical when you are losing weight to cut out meals as you are essentially eating fewer calories; however without a consistent consumption of calories into your body, your metabolism will gradually begin to slow down as it thinks you are starving.
And this can make losing weight incredibly complicated as your metabolism will be too slow to handle fat burn.
What should I do?
If any of these sounds like you, do not let this dampen your attempts to lose excess lbs. To benefit from healthy, permanent weight loss all you need to do is change your beliefs and recognise that your weight loss desires won't be fast.
A steady weight loss of 1-2lbs a week is advised by many leading dieticians as these are easier to keep off. But what else should you do?
- Consume a healthy diet - you don't have to eliminate your favourite dishes completely to experience successful fat loss. The trick is to eat a balanced meal plan of all the big nutrition groups and cut the amount of fatty foods you consume.
Now we are not telling you to go cold turkey from your favourite foods altogether - all this will lead to is temptation. However, by slowly cutting how often you have them, on a week by week basis, you can naturally eliminate them from your eating habits and stop cravings.
- Workout regularly eating well and exercising consistently go together when it comes to weight loss. By incorporating a workout regime of aerobics and strength training 3 times per week for up to 30 minutes, you can enhance your metabolism and ultimately your calorie burn.
- Create small goals instead of aiming for a complete weight loss of 20lbs, set yourself little weekly targets of 2lbs and aim to achieve just those. This helps to decrease the pressure to lose weight and soon you will notice that you are close to your overall target.
- Try a fat loss tablet - if you are struggling to lose those excess pounds and restart your fat loss, the guidance of a proven herbal pill can help. Clinically tested and proven through 6 scientific studies to reduce up to 28% of dietary fat, reduce hunger, improve LDL cholesterol and double energy levels, Proactol can support you to beat your food cravings and naturally cut your meal sizes to make dieting simple, safe and care-free.
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