No can argue that the issue of obesity is a growing problem in the developed countries of the 21st century. Millions are looking for a solution to their problems finding it extremely difficult to lose the weight they have gained over the years. We have lost sight of the changes in our diet that are actually responsible for the obesity epidemic we currently face. Many are looking for a diet that works. One problem is that there are so many diets to chose from. Too many have given up with the conclusion that there are no diets that work.
Is there a Diet that Works?
To answer this question we need to look at the underlying causes of obesity. If you are looking for a personal answer then take a hard honest look at your own situation. Why did you put on so much weight? Are there changes that you need to make?
To start with accept the fact that we are all different. Some are lean, others obese. Some find it easy to lose weight others find if almost impossible. You may need to consider these differences as you are searching for your diet that works.
Starvation Diet
Greatly reduce what you eat each day. This may work for a time. Two problems soon present themselves. One, your ongoing will power, are you strong enough, will you all too soon give up? Two, given you have the will power and you soon stop losing weight. Problem, your body thinks you are facing a period of starvation and it will fight hard to maintain what fat you still have. Here is a diet with a poor track record - it is not generally a diet that works. (If however you find it works make sure you do not finish up malnourished.) You will also need to consider that you too are not immune to the problem in this next paragraph, ie what happens when the diet is over?
Visit Your Drug Store
There are far too many over the counter diet programs. If you faithfully follow these programs by and large you will lose weight. The problem that soon arises is that they become boring living on drastic rations and many simply cannot go the distance. The real problem however is what happens after you go off the program whether or not you have reached your target weight. Without a complete redirection in your lifestyle you will over time simply put the weight back on. If you then attempt to go back onto one of these diets you can soon find yourself in a yo-yo situation repeatedly going back to one of these diets. The only person who wins are the manufactures of the diet products - they love the ever returning dieter!
Visit your Bookstore or Library
In the selection of any particular diet, and there is no end to the number of diets outlined in books and magazines, it is important to ensure that you are not endangering your health. Low fat, low carb, high protein diets etc can pose a threat to your health. Never lose sight of good basic nutrition. Be careful. Also keep in mind what happens when you go off any of these diets! Diets that work in the short-term are not always the ideal solution. The vast proportion of the population who successfully lose weight on any short-term diet regain their original weight in a short period of time. Talk to any well experienced dietician.
Look for a New Enjoyable Lifestyle
Take a hard look at the foods in your current lifestyle that actually prevent you from losing weight. Our modern diet based on supermarket prepared foods and fast foods are all fattening. Face facts, the only safe way to a long-term weight loss is a permanent change in lifestyle. But remember no change in lifestyle will last unless you enjoy the new lifestyle. A good nutritionist will be looking at designing an enjoyable lifestyle that embraces a wide range of enjoyable foods. If you are looking for such a diet and are prepared to re-evaluate your eating habits and lifestyle may I suggest you visit my website below to discover a diet that really works long-term.
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