The Hoodia Gordonii cactus plant or succulent grows in the South African Kalahari desert. This succulent thrives on the hot temperatures of the desert and the actual cactus consists of long stems with a purplish flower that grows on the tips of the mature plant. Unfortunately it takes many years for a Hoodia cactus to mature and for this reason Hoodia is not quite the cheapest weight loss supplement available on the market.
During research into the San Bushmen eating habits it was discovered that they ate certain parts of the Hoodia cactus to keep hunger and thirst at bay while hunting or during extended trips away from the tribal villages. It was also found that after use the Bushmen never suffered any ill side effects and they had already been using Hoodia cactus for hundreds of years.
South Africa sold the patent rights for the Hoodia cactus to a company by the name of Phytopharm and because it was the 57th project being researched at the time they named the resultant molecule which acted as the appetite suppressant P57. Phytopharm found that it was not possible to mass produce or synthetically duplicate the molecule in the Hoodia cactus and subsequently shelved the project. Although they have mentioned that they would release a weight loss product from the Hoodia cactus to date this has never been achieved.
According to statistics there are millions of people suffering from obesity and overweight in both men, women, and children which is still on the increase due to readily available fast foods and unhealthy eating habits. As a result the weight loss industry has grown substantially over the last decade with numerous supposedly quick fixes to losing weight. The Hoodia Gordonii cactus is almost without a doubt the only legitimate and really efficient weight loss suppressant on the market today but you need be sure of purchasing the certified brands because there are many counterfeit products available as well.
The Hoodia cactus molecule P57 works on your hypothalamus a part of your brain that is rich in nerve cells that check your blood glucose levels. When there are sufficient levels of blood sugar these nerves trigger the feeling of fullness. Hoodia Cactus molecules trick these nerve endings in the brain and so you have the results of appetite suppressant; the properties that Hoodia Gordonii cactus is known for. Hoodia suppresses hunger and cravings, as well as the need for water, so it is important if you are taking the Hooida diet supplement, to drink sufficient water so that your body will not get hydrated as a result.
To find out for yourself how easy it is to lose weight with Hoodia, visit our
site: South African
Hooida For a limited time you can now also get 2 bottles of Hoodia
for the price of one!
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