Research in the area of diabetes and blood sugar disorders has found that vanadium had a very positive impact on blood sugar, much in the way chromium would, but even to a stronger degree.
Vanadium is a common mineral used in steel manufacturing and considered to be useless in humans, is now showing promise as a treatment to control blood sugar levels and reduce weight, both crucial factors for type II diabetics. We will investigate how to quickly lose weight
along with controlling your blood sugar by taking vanadium.
Researchers at the University of British Columbia’s Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences have discovered that vanadium salts stimulate the uptake of glucose in rats without raising insulin levels (Science 1985;227:1474-7).
A major challenge with the vanadium compounds was to improve absorption, so vanadium was bound to maltol, a food additive that facilitates its entry into cells. These researchers have come to the conclusion that vanadium helps to enable the entry of insulin into your body’s cells thereby increasing insulin utilization.
A number of recent US studies using vanadium compounds have shown positive results in lowering insulin levels in patients with diabetes. What we have in the body is an insulin-enhancing effect,
So, vanadium is very good in terms of helping you utilize your glucose. One of the things that we’ve noticed is that the interest in vanadium comes a wide array of sources, people who suffer from type II diabetes and from athletes as well. Both of these types of individuals and others have shown an interest in vanadium products. It’s because the athletes feel that in the course of an athletic event that they need vanadium to help stimulate their ability to use their energy better and the vanadium, they believe, helps them do that-unlocks it, if you will, as an energy source and gets it more involved in metabolic actions that help them build muscle and perform better.
There, is of course, a connection between insulin utilization and weight control This is why compounds that control blood glucose ( such as vanadium) are of interest to those trying to reduce their weight and reduce the impact of type II diabetics. In fact, a critical factor in contracting diabetes is because of obesity. Optimal insulin utilization is a key factor in reducing fatty deposits in the mid-section, commonly know as belly fat. This is why the subject of weight loss, type II diabetes, and blood sugar control are inextricably bound together.
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