The purpose of this article is simple- It's a guide that will help you make your own diet pill. I would like to say, however, that as with anything that you put in your body, precautions should be taken. Please consult with you doctor before taking any medication, vitamin, or supplement. This article should not be taken as medical advice and does not, in any way, substitute for the opinion of a medical profession including your doctor.
When you take a very close look at the ingredients in most diet pills you will see that the individual ingredients are very common vitamin supplements. Diet pills costing $50 or more a bottle can be made at home for a fraction of the price.
Let's get down to business and discuss what these ingredients are because they are exactly what you will need to begin making your own diet pill. Let's take, for example the very popular, Leptoprin, often sold online for over $150.00 per bottle.
Here is a list of ingredients as printed on a bottle of Leptoprin:
Calcium ?Makes weight loss more efficient by breaking down fat in cells.
Vitamin B6 ?Helps maintain blood sugar.
Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) ?Prolongs thermogenic (fat burning) effects and increases metabolism.
Caffeine ?Increases thermogenesis and triggers adrenaline flow.
Green Tea ?Increases fat oxidation and raises metabolism.
L-Tyrosine ?Raises the metabolic rate.
Kelp ?Metabolizes excess fat.
Ephedrine ?A Stimulant and Appetite Suppressant.
Cayenne ?Contains 'capsaicin' which is considered a thermogenic substance.
THAT'S IT! Here's the actual Label if you don't believe me. Now you're saying, wait, "I've seen most of those ingredients at the vitamin / grocery store. You're right; you can get these ingredients in just about any pharmacy or vitamin store.
I should make it clear that I am not advising you to go out and buy all of these ingredients, nor am I telling you to take these pills all together. I'm suggesting that with regular exercise, a balanced diet, and vitamins as a supplement it is possible to lose weight without spending unnecessary money on diet pills.
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