* Conception: occurs when a sperm fertilizes an egg.
* Implantation: occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus.
* Embryonic development: the embryo begins to develop rapidly, forming the major organs and body systems.
* Symptoms: may include fatigue, nausea, and breast tenderness.
Weeks 5-8: The Embryonic Period
* Development: the embryo continues to grow and develop, and the fetus begins to take shape.
* Organs: the heart, brain, and other organs begin to function.
* Limbs: the arms and legs begin to grow, and the fingers and toes start to form.
* Symptoms: may include morning sickness, fatigue, and food aversions.
Weeks 9-12: The Fetal Period
* Development: the fetus grows rapidly and begins to move around in the womb.
* Face: the facial features begin to take shape, and the eyes, nose, and mouth become more defined.
* Sex: the sex of the fetus can be determined by an ultrasound.
* Symptoms: may include heartburn, constipation, and back pain.
Weeks 13-16: The Middle Trimester
* Development: the fetus continues to grow and mature, and the skin begins to thicken.
* Movement: the fetus becomes more active and may be felt kicking or moving.
* Heartbeat: the fetal heartbeat can be heard with a Doppler.
* Symptoms: may include increased appetite, weight gain, and stretch marks.
Weeks 17-20: The Late Trimester
* Development: the fetus is fully formed and begins to gain weight.
* Lungs: the lungs begin to mature and prepare for breathing.
* Vision: the fetus can open its eyes and see light.
* Symptoms: may include swelling, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins.
Weeks 21-24: The Final Stretch
* Development: the fetus continues to grow and mature, and the body prepares for labor.
* Position: the fetus may turn head-down in preparation for birth.
* Weight gain: the mother may gain up to 1 pound per week.
* Symptoms: may include frequent urination, shortness of breath, and back pain.
Weeks 25-28: Getting Ready for Baby
* Development: the fetus is fully mature and ready to be born.
* Labor: the mother may experience Braxton-Hicks contractions, which are practice contractions for labor.
* Nesting: the mother may feel a strong urge to clean and organize the house.
* Symptoms: may include insomnia, anxiety, and mood swings.
Weeks 29-32: The Last Few Weeks
* Development: the fetus continues to grow and gain weight.
* Kick: the fetus may kick or move less frequently as it gets bigger.
* Cervix: the cervix begins to soften and dilate in preparation for labor.
* Symptoms: may include fatigue, swelling, and headaches.
Weeks 33-36: The Countdown
* Development: the fetus is fully mature and ready to be born.
* Labor: the mother may experience more frequent Braxton-Hicks contractions.
* Weight gain: the mother may gain up to 1 pound per week.
* Symptoms: may include hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and back pain.
Weeks 37-40: The Final Push
* Development: the fetus is fully mature and ready to be born.
* Labor: the mother may experience regular contractions that signal the start of labor.
* Birth: the baby is born!
* Symptoms: may include anxiety, excitement, and joy.
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