If you are still looking for that miracle pill that can get rid of your belly fat, you can forget about it.
The truth is that the only successful way to get results that last is through ab exercises. They are the only effective way to get rid of belly fat fast. You must also follow a sensible diet too. But first you need to set your mindset right by following through any regime and diet you chose.
First of all, you must change your diet habits. Think healthy lifestyle. These are common sense eating that everyone knows but somehow never follow! Eat fresh fruits and vegetables instead of junk food, sweets and fried food. Also eat small meals frequently throughout the day to maintain your metabolic rate. If you are hungry, opt for an apple instead of eating a doughnut.
If possible, cut out all the sugary drinks and coffee from your diet. Always choose fresh clean water, herbal tea and fruit juice as much as possible. You body will thank you for these diet changes. Before you embark on these dietary changes, remember to check with your doctor.
Remember the good old crunches that your teacher used to ask you to do in school? The ones where you lie on your back and then lift your head with your hands behind your head? These don't really work! Surprise? Well, in fact it may very well harm your back or your neck! Here are some of the great ab exercises to get rid of belly fat. Note: Do this few exercises everyday and you will soon see some results!
Ab Exercise 1 : Leg Lowering
This exercise targets the lower abdominal muscles. Lie on your back with arms beside your body. Lift both legs up 90 degrees to your body. You are now forming an "L" with the legs pointing up into the air. Lower the legs 30 degrees as you exhale and hold there. Then lower your legs another 30 degrees as you exhale and hold. Finally lower the legs close to the floor but still a few inches off the floor and hold there. Then lift your legs back up to vertical 90 degrees. Do this for 5 sets for a start and increase the sets each day.
For increased difficulty, you may want to lift the pelvic off the floor with the legs still 90 degrees vertical.
Ab Exercise 2 : Side Plank
This effective ab exercise targets your side abdominal muscles. Lie on your right side of the body. Put your right hand on the floor below your right shoulder. Straighten the right arm to lift the entire body up. The final pose is having your right arm supporting the body and the right foot on the floor. Try to lift your pelvic as high as possible. Repeat for the other side. Do this for 5 sets in the beginning and increase the sets each day.
Note: Please consult with your doctor before embarking on any new exercise regime, and yes, even for this simple set of ab exercises to get rid of belly fat.
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